Getting Started

This is where you start appreciating the OPTIMO APIs and we have set up a nice guide for you on how to do it properly. As you spend more time with our APIS, you will feel like you cannot get enough of our APIs which is fair; there is no limit to what you can create using our APIs as a developer. So, hop on!

Simon Cowell in the Town

As much as OPTIMO APIs are quite capable and fun to be used, they sometimes can be rude if you annoy them and they act accordingly, much like Simon Cowell buzzing off contestants that he does not appreciate in Britain's Got Talent! Clearly APIs do not have buzzers; instead they throw Responses ("errors" would have been perhaps a better terminology, but let's not go on that path). There are different kinds of responses depending on how you annoy them, and each kind has a certain three-digit code so that they are standard across all APIs around.

The descriptions of possible responses are listed under each endpoint in the API Reference. Few examples may be useful here.

304 - Not modified
400 - Bad request - Check the detailed message for more information
401 - Unauthorised - You need to log in; potentially the token may have expired
403 - User does not have permission to view asset types
404 - Not found
405 - Method not allowed
429 - Too many requests - You have exceeded your API limit threshold
500 - Internal server error - Please do not reveal exception details to end users

You receive these Responses within the errors segment at the end of the JSON response. For instance, if the access token in your API request has expired, then you receive the following error in the JSON response.

Most errors are self-explanatory and the error codes are helpful if you are to research for solutions. Yet, the OPTIMO API team will always be there for the rescue!

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