Your First OPTIMO API Call
Now we are stepping into the more serious territory, but we can keep the fun as usual. In this segment, you are going to test your first OPTIMO API request and retrieve some actual data and we are going to introduce few conventions that we will stick to in the rest of this guide. So let's pay close attention.
Our task here is to simply get a list of booking records. You can find what you need for this API request on our API Reference, and for this particular case, at Bookings - List. It says that you have to send a GET request at the end point /api/V4.1/bookings
appended to the base URL.
In our convention, we would represent that as
GET ../api/V4.1/bookings
Remember, .. should always be replaced with the base URL of the OPTIMO system you are trying to interact with. Let's test this request in Postman!
There, select GET method and insert the endpoint next to it. Then you have to add your access-token as a header. Click on the Headers tab and insert the following.