Getting Started

This is where you start appreciating the OPTIMO APIs and we have set up a nice guide for you on how to do it properly. As you spend more time with our APIS, you will feel like you cannot get enough of our APIs which is fair; there is no limit to what you can create using our APIs as a developer. So, hop on!


You are now almost ready to make a booking. Well, there should be a customer who actually makes a booking and we are going to see how we can create a customer in this section.

In fact there are different types of Customers and they are well distinguished and described in our API Reference under Customers - Overview. Here, we cover only two cases; Individual Clients and Corporate Clients.

Create Individual Client

The endpoint under Customers > Customers / Clients - Create in the API Reference is our friend in this worthy cause. Since we are adding brand new information to the system, we are using the POST method.

POST ../api/v4.1/customers/clients

In the body of your API request, you have to send the necessary details of the Individual Client you are creating, similar to what you see below.

Upon a successful API request, you get this kind of a JSON response.

The response may resemble the request body itself, but you will notice that actually there is a lot more information which is generated by the system for your newly created customer, including the Client Id.

However, you do not have to pass all the information in your API request to create a customer, as we have done so in our sample request above. You just have to include the following mandatory fields in the body of the request.

  • Last Name(The system does not capitalize the first letter of each name automatically.)

  • Address 1

  • Default Client Category Id

  • Default Client Type Id

  • Default Account Manager Id

  • Default Venue

Of course, the values for last four fields depend on the 0